Born in 1981 in the southwest of France, Baptiste Mourrieras lives in the northeast of France.
After studying economics, he quickly turned to photography enrolling in the Gobelins school in Paris.
His work as an author focuses on three areas that often intersect and merge: street photography, portrait and landscape.
Designed as photo essays, his series reflect a personal and intimate spin on reality. Close to « documentary fiction », the work of Baptiste Mourrieras captures reality while fortifying it with the artist’s own imagination.
- Festival SETA, Collaboration with @missiveselvatiche project, Prato - Italy, 2021.
- Lauréat avec Mathilde Caro du concours « Les sciences sociales : lieux et situations du quotidien »,
organisé par l'EHESS en collaboration avec la FMSH, Paris 2017.
- Publication dans Prussian Blue #11 _ 2017 : Chengdu, Chongqing : une certaine idée de la Chine.
Texte de Florent Papin.
- FotoIstanbul, Voies Off Projection Night, Istanbul 2016 : Chinese Variations.
- Festival Voies Off, Nuits de Projection, Arles 2016 : Chinese Variations.
- PhotoIreland Festival, Dublin 2016, Obscure Street Exhibition.
- Jitterbug Gallery, Paris 2016 : Contribution to LEI exhibition.
- Librairies du moniteur Odéon-Trocadéro, Paris 2009 : Architekture.
- Mois de la Photo Off, Paris 2008 : Atlantic Landscapes.
- Group exhibition, Coutras (33) 2007 : Un air de famille.
- Lauréat coup de cœur de la 33e Bourse du Talent : Espace-Architecture-Paysage 2007.